
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dieting & exercise

When it comes to someone who is dieting, exercising is very important. Most think that they can just watch what they are eating and they will loose weight. Some even think that they can loose weight by taking a pill or some sort of supplement. While these things may show some results, they simply aren't enough. If you want to loose weight, you need to eat better and increase your heart rate. The only real way of increasing your heart rate is through some sort of exercise.

If you are someone who hasn't ever been to a gym or perhaps has not gone in a very long time, you will need to start off very slowly. You should start off by going for a walk around the block. The distance that you walk is up to you and how you feel. You may want to start off by going around the block once or twice the first day. The  second day increase your distance, again depending on how you feel. Each day thereafter, increase a little more. Each day you want to push yourself to do just a little bit more. The main purpose of your exercising is to increase your heart rate, so you burn more calories.

The more exercise you can do the better. At a minimum, you should exercise at least 4 days a week, about 45mins each time. If you can do more, then it benefits you greatly. The more you can do the more successful your diet and the better you will feel.

Motivating yourself to exercise can be tough, especially in the beginning. When you have a tough time motivating yourself, try to think about your goal or your motivation. Use that to get yourself going. Once you have starting your exercise routine, whether that's walking, running, or whatever, just try to  push yourself to do a little more each day. Whatever exercise you decide to do, when you are done, you will feel much better since its over for that particular day. Most of all, you have taken another step towards being successful in your diet.

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