
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Dieting Does Not Have to Be Torture

Everyday dieting can  became difficult then it may seem impossible to keep up with your diet, when you do not pay attention to what you eat,  you begin cheating one day and then the next. The next thing you know the diet is all gone.

The first thing that most people think about dieting (or watching what you eat) is that it takes things away from us or removes the foods we like.  Initially this may be the case, but it does not have to be that way. In my personal experience as well as from others it takes a little bit of effort and some creativity. If we plan our meals ahead of time we can eat nutritiously and even lose some weight without suffering to much.

What would you like to eat vs what we should be eating
This is where things get creative,  for some a burger and fries is what they crave while others may think of some yummy chicken cordon bleu with some heavy cream sauce. STOP THERE ! Here is where we get can get creative and let the internet become our friend.

For example I just did a search on low fat burgers and came up with a great link with several different low fat burger recipes 

As far as chicken cordon bleu here is a great low calorie recipe.

As you can see if you want to get creative you can.
Rules that I try to live with to make things simple
First try to plan two or three yummy low fat meals on the weekdays, while keeping the other days simpler,  such as throwing some pork chops in the oven and a simple salad for dinner. Another day broiling some fish with steamed veggies or brown. Then on the weekend once again you can try some new creative new recipes when you have more time.
Drink your breakfast or lunch
They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it probably is as it is the one that kick starts your metabolism, I am personally very fond of fruit however I don't find it to be very filling in the morning. A good way to jump start your morning is with a quick breakfast drink. It does not take much time to blend up  a piece of melon an apple and a banana,  add some low fat milk with a little bit of raw oats and honey to give your day a good start.

If drinking your breakfast isn't the best idea for you, try doing it for lunch. Substitute the sandwich or whatever you typically have with a smoothie. 

These are just some simple tips that can help you eat a little better and not think of dieting as being so harsh.

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