
Friday, April 20, 2012

Don't make These Exercising Mistakes

Exercising is, hands-down, one of the best physical things you can do for your health.
Besides being beneficial for weight management, exercise can reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and depression, and it can increase your energy levels, help you think clearer, and slow down the aging process.

Unfortunately, exercise is also one of the first things that tends to fall by the wayside. And, even with the best intentions and follow-through, progress can stall and intentions can go awry...
Shape magazinei lists eight exercise mistakes that could be keeping you from getting the full benefit of your fitness program.

Interestingly enough, one specific type of exercise can help you circumvent or overcome most of these pitfalls, namely high intensity interval training—exercises in which you go "all out" for about 30 seconds, followed by a 90-second recovery interval.
(One session consists of eight such intervals.) Here, I'll reveal how...

Skimping on Sleep to Work Out Could Backfire
While I do recommend exercising first thing in the morning, I don't advise sacrificing sleep to do so. Fortunately, you don't have to!  The research that has emerged over the past several years clearly indicates you don't need to exercise for long periods of time—as long as you're exercising correctly! As it turns out, the most effective and efficient way to work out is to 'remember' your ancestral roots, meaning, how humans used to move.

Both young children and animals clearly demonstrate the proper way to exercise: in short but aggressive or intense spurts with rest in between. 

High intensity interval training using an elliptical machine or stationary bike can mimic this, and a growing body of research tells us the benefits from exercising this way are FAR greater than slow, long-distance forms of exercise. Interval training can dramatically improve your cardiovascular fitness and fat-burning capabilities in a fraction of the time--because you're utilizing your body as it was designed to be used. 

A high intensity interval session only requires about 20 minutes or less, two or three times a week, opposed to an hour or more on the treadmill, several times a week. Most people can carve out 20 minutes without losing sleep over it. As mentioned in the featured article, getting enough sleep is an important aspect of health, and lack of sleep can hamper weight loss efforts and contribute to a wide range of health problems.

Concentrating on a Single Body Area is Counterproductive
As tempting as it may be to believe you have to do 100 crunches a day to achieve washboard abs, the truth is that such spot-specific focus tends to fail miserably. One of the main reasons for this is that in order to achieve muscle definition, regardless of what area of your body you're targeting, you need to lose fat, and spot-specific exercises like crunches are not an efficient way to boost fat loss...
High intensity exercises can make a dramatic difference here, because these exercises not only boost fat burning, they also automatically help create muscle definition all over your body, while simultaneously improving your aerobic fitness. 

While I don't recommend doing just one form of exercise, IF that's all you have time for, then doing short but high intensity Peak Fitness exercises will give you the greatest all-around benefits, and this form of exercise differs from others in that it benefits your entire body. This is because high intensity exercises sequentially recruit all the different types of muscle fibers in your body, starting with the smaller motor units made up of slow-twitch fibers—which are primarily aerobic in metabolism, have a lot of endurance, and recover quickly—to the intermediate fibers; followed by the fast-twitch fibers. 

The key to activating your fast-twitch muscle fibers is intensity, or speed.
Your fast-twitch fibers are largely glycolytic and store a lot of glucose. When these muscles are recruited, it creates the stimulus needed to grow muscle. At the same time, it enlarges the glucose storage reservoir in the muscle, which in turn enhances your insulin sensitivity. I've often stated that normalizing your insulin is one of the primary health benefits of exercise, and this is particularly true in the case of high-intensity exercise. Conventional aerobics does not do this as efficiently.
Activating your fast-twitch fibers also prompts your body to create human growth hormone (HGH), also known as "the fitness hormone," which plays an important role in slowing down the aging process. 

Jumping on Every Fitness Fad that Comes Along May Hinder Your Progress

As mentioned by Shape Magazine, mixing up your workout is a great way to challenge your body and keep things interesting. But jumping on every exercise fad that comes along can be counterproductive. You need to stick with your program to give yourself the chance to reap the benefits from it. 

That said, there's certainly nothing wrong with trying something new. After all, exercise is part and parcel of a healthy lifestyle, so it's a lifelong endeavor. There's plenty of time to explore. I'm a perfect example of this myself; after 30 years of being a dedicated long-distance runner, I stopped running over three years ago and switched to interval training instead once I realized just how much time I was wasting, and how many more health benefits I could reap from the switch. 

Now I just do one high intensity Peak Fitness exercise on the elliptical once a week, along with two weekly strength training workouts. I go up to three Peak Fitness workouts a week if I don't have access to weight equipment when I am traveling.  But I pay careful attention to my energy level during the workout and during the day. If I notice that I don't have the energy to finish the workout or the weight I can lift is decreasing and not increasing, I know it is time to take a break and get some more recovery time.

Over-Exercising Could Do More Harm than Good...
Switching from long-distance running to high intensity Peak Exercises has saved me a TON of time while improving my physical fitness. There's no doubt in my mind that most people are wasting loads of precious time in the gym, or running outside, as I once was... Some may even be doing more harm than good by exercising too much—either by exercising too intensely, and/or too frequently.
As discussed in the featured article, the "no pain, no gain" methodology can backfire, as can the practice of hitting the gym twice a day... Granted, over-exercising is far less common than not exercising enough. But it does happen, and tends to be counterproductive in most cases—at least if you're exercising for general health and longevity. 

Part of the equation of creating optimal fitness is recovery. Besides intensity, recovery is a key factor of high intensity workouts. An equation to keep in mind is that as intensity increases, frequency can be diminished. In fact, you need to allow your body to fully recuperate in between sessions, so it's NOT recommended to do high intensity exercises more than three times a week. Both Phil Campbell and Dr. Doug McGuff have addressed this in previous interviews. 

If you don't allow your body to fully recuperate and rebuild, your efforts will not pay off beneficial dividends.... I made that mistake, which is why I cut back on my frequency. If you're competing, you can certainly increase the frequency, but if you're exercising to get healthy and live longer, then make sure to give yourself sufficient recovery time in between sessions.

One of the keys here, as with any exercise program and lifestyle change, is to carefully listen to your body. With exercise you have to pay careful attention to recover if you tend to be someone who pushes yourself hard. If you only work out occasionally, this is a non-issue. But for those who are really committed and disciplined, it is very easy to over train, so please understand that recovery is every bit as important as training and if you work out too much you will not achieve the results you're seeking.

Over- or Underestimating Yourself Could Nullify Your Efforts

As described in the featured article, many make the mistake of either pushing themselves too hard, or not hard enough. Or, when it comes to strength training; using weights that are too heavy or too light. In order to maximize your workout efforts, you need to strive for that 'Goldilocks' Zone' where you're pushing hard enough to challenge your body at your current level of fitness. Needless to say, this will change over time, and that's the crux—a lot of people forget they need to continuously up the ante as their fitness improves.

This is especially important as it applies to high intensity exercises. To perform it correctly, you'll want to raise your heart rate to your anaerobic threshold, and to do that, you have to give it your all for those 20 to 30 second intervals. (As a general guideline, you can calculate your anaerobic threshold by subtracting your age from 220.)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dieting for Your Swimsuit

Be Swimsuit Ready in a Few Hours

  1. Do lunges and squats shortly before you bare your swimsuit. This will help to pump blood to your leg muscles and give them a fuller, more firm, and toned appearance. Think of how body builders do exercises before their show to temporarily appear more toned. This is the same concept, but you too can do it at home.
  2. Avoid bloat with anti-bloat foods. Unsalted nuts, yogurt, or a simple nut butter sandwich are good choices before heading to the pool. Choose low sodium foods, and nothing too high in fiber (temporarily) to avoid feeling and looking bloated. Drink plenty of water to flush toxins and extra water weight. And avoid carbonated beverages and sodas.
  3. Give self tanners a chance. Some think of it as streaky orange goo while others are using self tanner to create a slimmed and toned appearance. Self tanner has come a long way and no longer has such an orange appearance. Airbrush tanning businesses can even create the look of six pack abs.
  4. Choose the right swimsuit for your shape. This doesn’t apply to men since there are only a few varieties. Weight Watchers and Fitness Magazine have some good recommendations for different body types.
  5. Perfect your posture. This is the most important since posture shows confidence and high self esteem no matter what your weight is. Practice carrying yourself with shoulders back, chest forward, and head up. An added bonus is that good posture can help flatten the abdominals!